How To Keep Your New Windscreen New

A new windscreen can be expensive. If you’ve replaced a damaged windscreen, or perhaps you have a new car, there are steps you can take to protect the windscreen. This will help you avoid repair costs as well as the inconvenience of suffering with a damaged windscreen. Here at Red Rose Windscreens, we are windscreen experts. As a result, we have produced this guide to help you keep your new windscreen, new.

Let your windscreen settle in

Initially, you should aim to take it easy on your windscreen. The adhesive bonding that is used to fit the windscreen into place can take some time to settle in. As a result, we would advise that you avoid:

⦁ gravel roads
⦁ car wash machines
⦁ dirt roads

Otherwise you could put undue stress on your windscreen, and this will cause problems.

In addition, you should listen and adhere to the “drive-away time” you were given. Otherwise your windscreen adhesive may leak, or your windscreen may move out of place. This can be incredibly dangerous.

Take a second look

Always check your new windscreen. Although here at Red Rose Windscreens, we will complete a flawless and perfect job, a second look never hurts. Feel free to contact us at any point with any issues that you find. We will endeavor to repair these immediately.

Change your route

Keeping your windscreen healthy will mean changing the way you drive. Avoiding major damage to your windscreen, and potentially, your life, means avoiding minor damage too. This is because minor cracks and chips soon spread across your windscreen. As a result, you should try and avoid gravel and dirt roads as often as possible, perhaps changing your route if it takes you through a hazardous area. This may be a pain, but it will save you money and perhaps your life.

For all your windscreen repair needs, contact the experts at Red Rose Windscreens today.