Does your windscreen need repairing or replacing?

If your windscreen has a chip or crack, or even a scratch, you will want to get this checked out. And you’ll need to find our whether your windscreen can be repaired, or if it will need to be replaced entirely. Depending on the damage done to your windscreen, you may be able to repair it, with the help of professionals like us here at Red Rose Windscreens in Preston. But in some circumstances, you will need a whole new windscreen. So, does your windscreen need repairing or replacing?

Does your windscreen need repairing or replacing?

The general rule is that if your windscreen is only chipped, it can usually be repaired, although there are some criteria that this chip must meet. However, if the windscreen is cracked, it cannot be repaired, and a replacement is required. This is because the crack will undermine the structural integrity of the vehicle itself, and can be a real danger to those inside. Just one small bump can be enough to cause a crack to fracture and ultimately cause harm.

What is the criteria for chip repair?

If your windscreen is only chipped, then you can often have this repaired. And repairing a chip is generally a quick and efficient process too. However, to be repaired, the chip will need to be:

  • smaller than a £2 coin- any larger and you will need a new windscreen
  • out of the drivers line of sight
  • more than 7cm from the edge of your windscreen- any closer than this and the strength of the windscreen itself will be undermined and could cause further damage. So a replacement windscreen will be necessary.

Call a professional team

If your windscreen is chipped, dont delay, call a professional team as soon as possible. The linger you drive with a chipped windscreen, the more likely it is for the damage to spread and get worse. This could result in a windscreen that can not be repaired and has to be replaced, or it could result in danger for you and your passengers.

Why not get in touch with the team today, here at Red Rose Windscreens?