When should a windscreen be replaced?

Whether your windscreen is cracked, chipped or scratched, you might be wondering if it needs to be replaced. While these can all impede vision and make driving difficult, there are only certain circumstances which require a windscreen to be completely replaced. So when should a windscreen be replaced? And why should you choose us here […]

Why is it important to repair windscreen scratches?

So, why is it important to repair windscreen scratches?

Windscreen scratches are often not treated as urgently as windscreen cracks, but its still important to have these repaired. Windscreen scratches can be caused by a range of factors, including being hit with debris or dirt while driving, and even broken windscreen wipers. So, why is it important to repair windscreen scratches? And what are […]

Cold proofing your windscreen this winter

With cold weather already hitting some parts of the country, it is anticipated that this winter may even bring additional snow. Icy weather, freezing temperatures and snowy conditions can all play havoc with your windscreen though, and this is something to be taken seriously in the winter months. So what should you consider for cold […]